Do you think morality belongs in politics? Do our government leaders have a duty to legislate right and wrong? Are you planning to vote Republican because of social conservative values? Then I ask you, in what order do you view the most pressing issues for America? How would place the following issues in order of importance?
Fiscal Responsibility
National Defence
Parental Rights
Tax Cuts
National Medicare
Same-sex Marriage
Foreign Policy
Religious Freedom
Minority Rights
Immigration Reform
Then ask yourself, is your choice of nominee consistent with your personal views?
Jim said place these:
Fiscal Responsibility
National Defence
Parental Rights
Tax Cuts
National Medicare
Same-sex Marriage
Foreign Policy
Religious Freedom
Minority Rights
Immigration Reform
in order. Okay here's my order:
1. Abortion
2. Religious Freedom
3. Parental rights
4. Minority rights
5. Same-sex marriage
6. Immigration Reform
7. National Defense
8. Foreign Policy
9. Fiscal Responsibility
10. National Medicare
11. Tax Cuts
In the process of listing these out in a "graded" fashion I realized that one is presupposed by the other in many respects (i.e. National Defense and Religious Freedom)which tends to make me think that a hierarchical list like this creates some faulty dilemmas. Mainly my list reflects my views on the signficance of morality and its relationship to other lesser, but signficant, points of concern. In other words, our fiscal vision is, while not characterized this way in the popular mainstream and media, is just as much of an "moral" issue as abortion. Translation: if our view of abortion is right and moral (Christianly thinking), then our fiscal management will follow accordingly and with the "right" values informing it. We cannot create a "list" that is fragmentized and "situationalized", but we need to have a "list" that sees the wholistic picture . . . consequently I don't have a candidate in mind that, as far as I know, reflects a mind-set that has the "values" in place that will think holistically about all of these issues. Holistically in the sense that their values are significantly informed by God, and not some culturally conceived popular view of God either. Then again, my view on the relationship between the kingdom of darkness, and the kingdom of the Son of His love dictates how I might approach my answer to this question as well.
Good post, Jim.
1. Foreign Policy
2. Abortion
3. Fiscal Responsibility
4. National Defence
5. Religious Freedom
6. Parental Rights
7. Tax Cuts
8. Same-sex Marriage
9. Immigration Reform
10. Minority Rights
11. National Medicare
I placed them in the order which represents what I think are the most pressing issues that need attention. My #1 and #2 were fighting with eachother, but I placed Foreign ploicy first because if we don't get that right and delete these terrorists, they will eventually destroy us, along with all our unborn babies.
Hi Bobby, I have to agree with your order on a moral standpoint. I also agree that you cannot expressly compartmentalize the various issues.
The question then remains; are we willing to pray and support those candidates that place godly virtues over financial and political gain? It is high time to look beyond partisan politics and judge each man by their own words and actions. It is time for an indenpendently elected representation.
Thanks for stopping by!
Rose, thanks for your answers.
While I understand your concerns, fear of what could happen is powerful motivation in giving up many of our freedoms we take for granted.
It is a bit simplistic to think we can ever eradicate all those who wish to do the American people harm. In fact, foreign policy has had much to do with the hostility many nations currently have towards the U.S.
As Christians, we must realize that our defence is God Himself. However, God cannot and will not defend a nation that promotes the killing of innocent babies and grants privileged status to those indulging in abominable sins.
The man who fears the Lord, he shall be blessed and the Lord will make even his enemies to be at peace with him.
But when we neglect His ways and spurn His commands, we open the door for many grevious sufferings.
Consider the fact that were the States never to receive a terrorist attack, America is still suffering daily the consequences of wrong choices. From tragic levels of violence & family breakdowns, to storms of Biblical proportions, America is experiencing the hand of God right now.
The question is; will She turn and repent or continue to walk in stubborn pride to that horrible day of no return.
Depressing I know, but to say otherwise is closing our eyes to the truth.
God cannot and will not defend a nation that promotes the killing of innocent babies ...
I have thought about that a lot.
That is why a candidate's stand on abortion is always forefront in my mind. It is such a dispicable thing that is happening. Maybe I would change the order today and switch #1 and #2. I definitely see your point, but I wrestle with a loathing for these terrorists.
I think economic and foreign policy are the most pressing issues.
At the end of the day, the politicians are going to have to follow the public mood on any other issue.
Matthew, what is your opinion on an interventionist philosophy?
If it is likely to be succesful, intervene, if not don't intervene.
I am a realist.
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