We have all heard the excuse that "we'll never fully understand the Bible this side of the grave". This statement is sometimes given as a way to evade a difficult question, and at others time a means of silencing arguments.
However, I firmly believe it is God's desire to reveal all of scripture to us as His children. Furthermore, the entire counsel of God is important for our edification, instruction, reproof, correction, and warning; the goal being a godly man or woman fully equiped for every good work.
But there are many things that prevent us from gaining a clear vision of God's eternal purpose, as seen throughout the pages of the Bible. This causes us to be confused, sidetracked, and often half-hearted in our service to the Lord. For whatever reason, we fail to see the awesome truth's hidden in the riches of His word.
Jesus said that "you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free". While salvation did bring us the initial freedom from the bondage of sin and Satan's kingdom, our understanding was stilled clouded concerning the full revelation of God's purpose. As we read and prayed over the scriptures, the Holy Spirit granted us light to see much truth and reality about Christ and all that we have in Him. This light dispels the darkness and brings more freedom in our lives. We began to realize that fear was not a God ordained feeling, and that perfect love casts out fear.
Similary, we learned that God works all things together for good, to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
The crunch seems to come when we fail to see the meaning or application of certain passages or chapters. It is this lack of light that leads us to incorrectly assume regarding God's desire for our lives. Many christians have been sidetraced and made ineffective simply because they did not take God at His word and hence 'refused' continued light.
The purpose of understanding the Bible is not simply so that we can boast of our knowledge or insight, for as we know, knowledge puffs up. All of scripture reveals the glory of God, and specifically the characteristics and attributes of Christ. As we understand more and more of His word, we begin to see just how glorious the Lord Jesus is, and what an awesome treasure we have. Then just as Christ was able to endure the despisings, ridicule, and sufferings, we too will be able to take up our cross and follow Him. When we see the joy set before us, all earthly trials will pale in comparison. May God open our eyes to see eternity!